ROCKS identification laboratory



We characterize your geomaterial by thin-section observations. We carry out petrographic analysis of different rock types (carbonates, siliciclastics, metamorphic, plutonic, etc) following NF EN 12407 standards.

According to your thematics, they include the description of grain types, textures, structures, fracture diagenesis, alteration, a visual estimation of mineralogical phases and the characterisation of porosity (quantified by colour thresholds).

Applications to the fields of:

  • Oil & Gas
  • Geothermal
  • Deep Storage
  • Geotechnics
  • Quarry


We carry out qualitative and / or semi-quantitative analyzes of the minerals constituting your soils and materials (XRD).

Applications to the fields of:

  • Soil analyses
  • Geotech (shrinkage and swelling clays / building)
  • Exploration resources – hydrogen, O&G, water, storage
  • Quarry & Mining

Particle-size analyses

Granulometric studies permit to determine the size-range of particles in a sediment or a solution. 

A statistical representation of the different size fractions is realised (median, deciles).

Analyses and results are performed using european standards NF EN 13503-2 of August 2010.

Particle size analyses can be combined to petrological descriptions and/or mineralogical analyses in order to determine the nature of the clasts composing each fraction.


We realize quantifications of chemical elements on powders or rock samples, including Li (by XRF or LIBS depending on the targeted elements). We also deliver chemical mapping on rock samples or thin-sections (MEB EDS / LIBS / microXRF).

Applications to the fields of:
  • Polluted sites and soils (copper, lead, cadmium, etc.)
  • Exploration and mining research (uranium, lithium, cobalt, titanium, etc …)
  • Exploration resources – hydrogen, O&G, water, storage – Chemosterring
  • Diagenesis / Mineralogy given its good sensitivity to light elements (H -> Mg)

High resolution imaging

HICA : A patented solution for the creation of digital core libraries at high-resolution (sharpness better than 0.1 mm)

Core sampling and analysis is an expensive and destructive process. Moreover, the data obtained is punctual and incomplete since each sample is specific to the analysis requested. Modeling and spectroscopy are two techniques that allow us to obtain objective results on mineralogy, facies, sedimentary figures and associated depositional environments, diagenesis, etc., even before handling the sample.

Artificial intelligence is used to facilitate recognition and bring a degree of certainty to the mapping of the object. AI is often presented as a way to automate the analysis in replacement of the operator, which is a mistake. We do not seek to replace geologists, we accompany them. We have developed this scanner with the needs we identify on our own exploration or drilling projects in mind.

HICA is a tool to assist the geosciences expert by giving him permanent access to data usually stored in a warehouse.

HICA is an exploration accelerator, a decision-making aid and above all a tool for preserving the heritage under the ground.


LIBS - Laser Induced BreakdowN Spectroscopy

The LIBS Z-300 GeoChem Pro portable analyzer measures major and trace elements of rock or powder samples (after grinding and confection of pellets). It can be used in the field, at well sites or in the lab.

The LIBS Z-300 GeoChem Pro detects a wide range of elements, from hydrogen to uranium. It constitutes a good alternative to XRF analyzers, which have poor detection thresholds for light elements.

The LIBS analyzer is able to detect lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, fluor and nitrogen. Good detection thresholds are observed for magnesium, aluminum, silicon, potassium and calcium, which considerably improves XRF measurements.

The LIBS analyzer is equally able to realize basic maps on small surfaces.

Domains of applications include (but are not limited to):

  • Polluted sites and soils (copper, lead, cadmium, etc.)
  • Exploration and mining research (uranium, lithium, cobalt, titanium, etc …)
  • Exploration resources – hydrogen / O&G / water / storage – Chemosterring
  • Diagenesis / Mineralogy given its good sensitivity to light elements (H -> Mg)
INGEN R&D has made it possible to adapt this device for semi-quantitative qualification.


Mineralogical analyses are performed using a D8 Endeavour X-Ray Bruker AXS diffractometer. The characterisation and semi-quantification of minerals can be realised on bulk samples and on the clay fraction (< 2µm). 

Randomly oriented powder mounts are prepared for bulk mineralogical analyses.

The < 2µm fraction is collected after lab preparation. Clays are mounted on oriented aggregate slides. These slides are submitted to an ethylene glycol treatment and to heating for the identification of clay minerals.

Domains of applications include:

  • Soil analysis 
  • Geotech (shrinkage and swelling clays / building)
  • Exploration resources – hydrogen / O&G / water / storage
  • Quarry / Mining


Petrographic analysis of solid rock samples are performed on thin sections using a microscope E200 MV Pol D NIKON equipped with a DELTAPIX Camera of 6 MP.

A coloured resin is used for the visual inspection of pores. Post processing treatments of images allow the quantification of surface porosity.

Thin sections can equally be stained with ferricyanide-alizarin for the observation of Fe-rich and pure calcite or dolomite phases.

A stained resin is used for the visual inspection of pores. Post processing treatments of images allow the quantification of surface porosity.

Thin sections can equally be stained with ferricyanide-alizarin for the observation of Fe-rich and pure calcite and dolomite phases.

Our petrographic studies are performed following the European standard NF EN 12407.


Trinocular magnifier + camera 6 MP

Petrographic analyses of cuttings and non-consolidated samples are performed under a Perfex trinocular equipped with a Deltapix Camera of 6 MP.


The JEOL JSM-IT 100LA Scanning Electron Microscope is able to provide images of solid samples at magnifications of x5 to x100 000. 

It is equipped with an EDS probe, allowing the quantification and the mapping of the main elements contained in the geological sample.


Particle size analyses of nonconsolidated materials are realised on an ANALYSETTE 3 PRO sieve shaker. It is equipped with 16 sieves for the separation and weight of the size fractions covering the range > 4cm -> 2µm.

If samples contain more than X percent of clays, particle size analyses may be realized by sedimentometry.

A specific question, a request for a quote?
Do not hesitate to contact us, we will answer you as soon as possible.